Why I quit going to church
There were many different contributing factors to my inactivity. The three main reasons could be labeled bi-polar tendencies, moving and unworthiness.
I was in a relationship with an atheist during the time leading to my inactivity. (I am now married to him.) I was happy all week long, and then I went to church on Sunday. During church, I would feel guilty about my relationship and I would come home on Sunday and try to break up with him. This went on for several months, up until I stopped going.
Then I moved. I met with my new Bishop one Sunday while I was in transition. I felt like he didn't want to know me and brushed me off. When I finalized my move, I had no desire to attend a new congregation, especially since I was just combating negative feelings associated with church attendance. Then I moved in with my boyfriend, and I knew if I did go back to church, I'd get kicked out. So I didn't go back.
Now I'm married. I'm not as bi-polar and I don't feel as unworthy. But I don't have the religion thing figured out anymore. Did I stop believing in order to justify my actions over the past few years, or is there more to it?
I had some doctrinal issues before I stopped going to church. I had serious cultural issues before I stopped going as well.
In my estimation, the experiences that caused your discomfort with the institutional church is not terribly unusual. You mention both doctrinal and cultural issues influencing your stepping away. Do you plan to enumerate or elaborate on those reasons?
To Dathon:
One of the small things did become a big issue for me: the rule against multiple piercings. I have 1 hole in each ear and rarely wear earrings, but I couldn't comprehend how 1 hole in each ear for girls is not desecrating your body, but 1 hole an ear for guys, or multiple piercings is considered desecrating your body. To me, if 2 holes are desecrating your body, 1 hole is too.
I had many bad experiences with singles programs as well: too many years of Church being a meat market, too much pressure to get married.
I'll elaborate more on a lot of things as I continue to develop this blog.
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