LDS Articles of Faith: 10
We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.
I'd just like to skip this one altogether, but that would be cheating.
Operation: Desert Storm had a huge impact on my life. I like to refer to myself as an Army Brat. My dad was fortunate enough not to go to Iraq at this time, however I went to a school on a military base, and most of my friends had a parent in the Middle East during the conflict.
I remember being very excited because I thought the Gulf War was a precursor to Armageddon and the Second Coming. It was one of my favorite church topics. As a youth, I gave a talk on the Second Coming that could have put a High Councilor to shame, it was so long, researched and boring. However, I loved the topic. I thought the Second Coming was right around the corner. I even wrote a poem about how I was looking forward to it in one of my English classes.
I no longer feel the same way. This is one of the subjects that falls into my "I don't know" category, along with the Atonement and the divinity of Jesus Christ. I have an easier time accepting the divinity of Jesus Christ and the Atonement, than I do accepting the Second Coming.
I wish there would be a Millennium. I imagine a utopia with peace, justice, equality, and universal health care. But I think it is up to humanity to make those things for themselves, instead of relying on Divinity to do it for them.
As for the other aspects of this Article of Faith:
I believe that Israel has gathered. The State of Israel is an example of this. I am strongly opposed to Zionism, however.
As for the "restoration of the ten tribes," I think the Genographic Project at National Geographic is an example of this. However, I don't feel that its important for a group of people who were displaced around 2500 years to suddenly embrace that aspect of their heritage more strongly than the rest of the culture, and go marching back to the Middle East, claiming their lands.
As for Zion being built on America.. I think it shows a strong United States-centric aspect of Mormonism. That the United States is the promised land, and since we live in the United States, we are the promised people and more special than the rest of the world. I think this mindset is damaging and exclusionary, and I don't believe it. But, since the Church keeps calling itself Zion, and since members consider Salt Lake Zion, and since the early Saints called several places Zion, its possible this prophesy has been fulfilled. However, I don't think its an important aspect of theology.
I don't think this Article of Faith has an guidance about how to live or act. I think it is a statement associated with the Resorationist movement shown amoung the early Saints who strongly believed that the Second Coming was right around the corner. I think that having such a strong belief in the Second Coming can be irresponsible, because it can lead to people focusing more on their own personal worthiness, as opposed to working on making the world a better place.